WIOA Grant Requirements
We recommend applying for the grant if your intent is to upgrade your skills and obtain employment in an in-demand occupation. Below are program requirements you need to be aware of when applying for the scholarship program.
- You must be able to complete your program in 3 years; taking a minimum of 6 credit hours per (fall and spring) semester. Attending summer classes is encouraged, but not required.
- You are required to apply for federal financial aid (FAFSA) each year you are on the program and submit a copy of your confirmation email to your Career Planner.
- It is important and to your benefit to contact your Career Planner regularly (monthly). Especially if your personal information (address, phone number, email, etc.) should change while on the program.
- Any classes taken outside of the scope of your program will need to be paid for by another funding source and cannot be covered by this grant.
- At the end of each semester, please forward your grades, a copy of any certificates/licenses/diplomas earned (if any), and your class schedule/tuition bill for the next semester to your Career Planner.
- If at any time you need to change your program or drop/withdraw from a course, notify your Career Planner in advance to ensure no loss of your scholarship.
- It is important to notify your Career Planner of any employment changes or if you need to apply for unemployment benefits while on the program.
- At the end of the program, your Career Planner will remain in contact with you for up to a year to assist with finding a job and ensure you are successfully employed.
If you accept these requirements, complete the steps below no more than 90 days prior to the first day of class. All documentation must be received to determine eligibility for our scholarship.
Apply to the SchoolContact the admissions office or academic advisor at the school you plan to attend to start the registration process and outline what classes you need to take for your chosen training program. If allowed without a payment plan, start enrolling in classes to reserve your spot, or obtain a “letter of intent” from the school letting us know you have been accepted.
Complete the FAFSAComplete the FAFSA if pursuing a program that accepts financial aid (Pell/MAP), which will be applied prior to WIOA funding. Non college credit programs such as CDL and CNA are usually exempt.
Submit Scholarship ApplicationComplete the scholarship application in its entirety. We provide two options to do this: (Note: Option 1 is the ideal option if you plan to save the progress of your application and finish it later.)
OPTION 1: Download the fillable application, complete, and email to [email protected] or submit in person/by mail to our office at 211 E. Madison St. Room 222, Pontiac, IL 61764. For best results, download and save this document to your computer first, and then edit it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
OPTION 2: Complete the application and submit electronically. Note: You must click Continue to acknowledge the Adobe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy in order to complete the application.
Submit Required DocumentationSubmit the following documentation in person to our office 211 E. Madison St., Room 222, Pontiac, IL 61764. If you prefer to submit a digital copy, please upload it using this secure link: https://kcc146.sharefile.com/r-rb9fb5055e76b4688a0aab66662fabaa0
Meet with Career PlannerA Career Planner will contact you to set up an appointment to discuss your application and develop an Individual Employment Plan, which is a plan of action to help you reach your employment goals. The career planner will review your documentation and will determine your eligibility to receive WIOA assistance.
Basic Skills TestingTABE testing is used to effectively assess skill and knowledge of individuals applying for the WIOA scholarship. The intent is to ensure individuals do not require remedial education prior to attending training. Individuals who have an associates degree, or have recently passed a placement test or college course (math and english) may be exempt from testing.
Scholarship AwardedWhen all previous steps are completed, a Career Planner will discuss with you how payment will work for tuition, fees, books, supplies, and/or gas reimbursement. As long as you continue to meet WIOA grant requirements, you will remain eligible to receive scholarship funding each semester through the end of your program