1. Explore career options using local and online tools...
Select an industry brochure to learn more about its outlook and growth, available training, career opportunities, required skills and abilities, and wage trends for Livingston County, Illinois.
The Illinois Career Information System (CIS) is a comprehensive online system sponsored by the Illinois Department of Employment Security that offers career, education, and current labor market information in one, easy-to-use tool. It includes life-long, age-appropriate tools for: Middle school exploration of careers, goals, interests, and values; High school self-discovery and ownership over career and education plans; College launching careers, exploring goals and interests, and researching options; Worker career transitions, employment skills, and exploring career options.
Welcome to your tool for career exploration and job analysis! Find, search, or browse across 900+ occupations based on your goals and needs. Then use comprehensive reports to learn about requirements, characteristics, and available opportunities for your selected occupation. Build your future with O*NET OnLine!
2. Consider skills training...
Successfully completing a skills training program leading to a high-demand occupation may enhance your employability, increase your earnings, and improve your overall job security. Individuals who pursue a WIOA approved training program may be eligible for scholarship assistance through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).